“Best service ever”
“Very good service”
“Fast delivery safe correct payment process and got s...”
“Got removed immidiately”
“Top fast and friendly”
“A va jolie bots part contre la map”
“Once again a super speedy delivery great job guys”
“Made my order within 30 minutes was told order was d...”
“Less than 3 minute deliverystraight pro”
“Quick service im satisfied”
“Very reliable and easy to use very fast as well”
“Tardo un poco pero muy bien”
“Nice trade”
“Ansich eine gute sache nur wurden mir 270k gelscht”
“Muy bien”
“Second time i have used this service perfect everytime”
“As expected very fast 55”
“Muchas gracias”
“Really impressed”
“Thanks a lot”
“On time all ways looking after the client they know ...”
“Very quick bought more than 5 times already”
“It was in french so i had to use google translate bu...”
“Rapide et efficace merci”
“Surprised that it worked but yay”
“Fast and easy”
“Keep it up”