“Very nice that you can watch your coins being transf...”
“Perfect servise”
“Took a few mins but no other issues”
“Very fast needed it in the night”
“Maybe in get the ingame msg in english cause i got a...”
“Patience he has wait for me like 1 hour cause i forg...”
“Super fast delivery thanks 3”
“La livraison a t effectue aprs 20h dattente je me su...”
“Good shop”
“Very fast and complete it was great”
“Fast and professional no complains”
“5 stars fast and cheap”
“Very fast delivery speed i like it”
“Excelente como siempre”
“Nice 3”
“Great delivery speed got my keys within 5 mins”
“G o o d”
“Ez fast i would say”
“Alles in ordnung aber google bersetzer das mssen wir...”
“I thought i give it a try and wasnt disappointet aft...”
“Quickly delivered”
“After buying 5 min later i got my gun”
“Quick just as it always is”
“Very fast no hassle service”
“Have to say wow how was delivery was and livechat an...”
“Good but problems with verif”
“As fast as it should be”
“Good source”
“Good deal”