“Super quick delivery”
“Really nice site fast without big problems ty very much”
“Servizio efficace”
“4 toiles car dessus du delai cette fois ci”
“Good job fast delivery”
“Buyd got 1 min later ingame msg trade completed jesu...”
“Took a while before the ingame money has been delive...”
“Very fast impressed with the service will definitely...”
“B e s t”
“Took less than 5 min very satisfied i bought more to...”
“Very good 100 buying more stuff”
“One word awesome”
“Sooo good”
“Got my order within 2 hours pretty nice and cheap a ...”
“Super rapide efficace tout ce quon aime”
“Got my 7 keys abou 2 mins after delivery great service”
“Very fast delivery within 5 minutes live support was...”
“Trs rapide et meilleurs prix jutilise le site depuis...”
“Super cool”
“Genial vous maider beaucoup”
“Needs to be faster”