“Very nice live support delivery in about 20 minutes...”
“My number 1”
“Fast and smooth”
“Very fast delivery took maybe 10mins after payment w...”
“After talking to mel things went rly smooth and all ...”
“Great services i recommand this website”
“Someone tried to scam me right after i made the trade”
“2 min and coming awesome speed”
“Awesome well happy”
“Arrived fast”
“Quick apart from payment verification helpful and co...”
“Took a little while but is a good service nonetheles...”
“Super fast thx”
“Good but now i wait my kamas on the other char necro...”
“Getting vwerified was a bit of a struggle but i got ...”
“Amazing fast and safe i love you man”
“On ma demandez les kamas jai rendu puis on me les a...”
“I only have 4 star because the person i traded with ...”
“Super fast could have been in english lucky i under...”
“I love this website so muchi think my friends like i...”
“Good service will definately do it again”
“Hyper rapide ses cool”
“Great communication”
“Nice fast and simple great work”
“Service trs rapide je suis plus que satisfait et je...”
“I didnt get the gun i wanted i got given a different...”
“This time was rly fast 3”